不過我發現旅遊攝影作品的其中一個通病是大家都把情景與人物都拍太’美’了。無論在朋友間分享或是攝影比賽所看到的作品,大部份都拍得像旅遊境點的紀念品店內所賣的明信片 ‘post card’ 一樣。有時我會問既然拍攝出來的角度及構圖都跟 herpes treatment ‘post card’ 一樣,那為什麼還要花心神去從複已存在的效果呢?
大家起來吧!多信任自己的感覺多拍攝有自己心思的作品! 令舊的景點有新的角度!
Photography Tour is over rated if it's done on a typical HK style. to have a good photo tour. you have to have one instructor for about 5 student. No HK Tour operator can do that. But if you look around in US or UK (english speaking tour). they will offer ops that you can not get it on your own or with a HK tour. However, the idea to have 2-3 friends to go on your own tour to discover a place and find interesting view point is of cause a good idea and cheap as well...
Hi David, I think there are differences between the two culture, unfortunately we are talking about the eastern and western culture. In the west, although there are lots of photographers who would like to own the latest and the most expensive camera while not spending enough time and energy in improving ones photographic skill. But at the same time there are no equal but not less in numbers photo 'lovers' that are willing to spend two week and six or eight thousand US dollars to follow a mentor to learn and practice photography. In Hong Kong, most people think their time is use for making money, and making more money, but to learn something without any commercial value will be a 'stupid' move according to their theory.
If we look at the local amateur photographic society, we can find more '靚模' shooters than other categories. Are they willing to spend time and money to improve they photographic technical and concept? I doubt very much. Not to say following a real mentor!
And because of the above sign, I form this blog, to inspire and to be inspired!
great photo! 到過澳門很多次,就是從來沒有拍過這個角度的照片。應該說是從來沒有留意到這座雕塑的存在。真的要多留心身邊的事物。多謝賜教。
旅遊攝影若果全程都是攝影團,於是乎你拍我拍都是跟大隊,角度光源主體大致相同接近 copy 1樣,有很多師兄者習以為常.....但對一些浩愛獨特創意角度的攝影人就變得很痛苦了......