攝影-啟發的工具 (上) A Project with Asia Society Hong Kong (Part 1)



*content of this post including all images is copyright protected, please do not repost IN whole or part of the content WITHOUT written permission from Bobby Lee

這段日子正專心設計一個特別的項目。所講的正是香港亞洲協會 剛開始舉辦的攝影『影·亞洲』的藝術通達計劃中的一個伸延項目:黑暗中的影像。


I have been working on a challenging project the last few months!  The project I am talking about is ‘Visioning in the Dark’, an Arts Access Program that goes together with Picture Asia: Double Take Education Offerings by Asia Society (ASHK) Hong Kong.

I was introduced to ASHK in March to design some extension programs for the ‘Double Take’ photo exhibition with the work by Mr. Brian Brake and Mr. Steve McCurry.  Several ideas were raised and one of the proposed programs draw my attention.  To exercise photography in the dark around the complex of Asia Society, the former explosives magazine compound built by the British Army in the mid-nineteenth century.


To make the program meaningful, I suggested to modified the exercise into a more challenging project; collaborating professional / serious amateur photographers with visually impaired participants to create art pieces with photography.  The concept behind the collaboration is simple.  Through the creative process of exchanging ideas and concepts as well as the physical involvement of taking photographs, all participants inspire and be inspired.  And the result will way beyond beautiful photographs.  This is ‘Visioning in the Dark’.


我的攝影師朋友正在模擬不同視障程度。Our photographers experienced various degree of visually impaired with the aids of special eyeglasses.

在有限的時間內我們成功地邀請到九位資深攝影師成為今次項目的骨幹成員。再加上得到香港展能藝術會的認同及全力支持,為我們揀選到二十位不同年齡及不同視障程度的人士共同參與。我們更得到 PhaseOne 相機及 Epson HK 的全力贊助提供拍攝器材及數碼打印支援。

Within a month, a group of nine photographers has been invited. And with the help and support from the Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK), twenty participants in various degrees of visually impaired have been recruited.  Special thanks to PhaseOne digital camera and Epson HK to sponsor equipment and digital output facility for the project.


是次項目的內容及簡單介紹。project introduction leaflet for the public.


September 9th Saturday afternoon was the first gathering with the group of photographers at ADAHK’s Jockey Club Arts Accessibility Service Centre (JCCAC, Shek Kip Mei).  It was an important gathering as we were guided by our friends at ADAHK to understand more on the skill and tips in communicating with our visually impaired participants.  Special learning tools were introduced, tips on more efficient verbal expression were taught.  We even have each photographer blind folded and completing task to understand more from the angle of their visually impaired partners.


各攝影師正在用心聆聽上課內容。All photographer backed to school on the workshop at ADA’s office.


模擬各種視障的小道具。Leaflet explaining the different type of visually impair.


攝影師體驗失去視力下活動的挑戰,同時也學會如何有效力協助有需要人士One of the tasks for our photographers was to blind folded to experience all the possible problems due to their teammates’ abnormal eyesight.


香港展能藝術會副主席李瑩教授親自悉心教導。 Lena, our instructor explain to us some of the technique of ‘verbal descriptions’.


視障朋友 Ivan 幫忙示範。Our visually impaired friend help in the demonstration in the need of clear communication between photographers and their team members.


大家一起實習強化語言表達能力。Our turns to test out out verbal communicating skill!

而在九月十號,攝影師及參與項目的視障朋友在亞洲協會的會場內正式會面。在香港展能藝術會的悉心安排下通過互動遊戲,大家很快便分成十個小組。同時也全面地參觀了這個前英軍軍火庫的建築群,因為這也正是他們在十七及十八號進行攝影創作的場景。在此更要感謝 PhaseOne 相機的技術顧問 「輝哥」不辭勞苦地背著兩套器材跟著大隊大半天。

September 10th Sunday afternoon was another important session as photographers and their visually impaired partners met the very first time at HKAS.  Through warm up exercises and games, teams were formed.  Guided by the professional from ADAHK, the teams were exploring the venue at HKAS as they are free to choose locations and topics to be use for the up and coming photo session.  Special thanks to Mr. Fai Chan (輝哥) from PhaseOne camera (sponsoring their ultra high end medium format digital camera system for the photo sessions) who came to show the teams how to work with the PhaseOne camera.













PhaseOne 超級相機

PhaseOne 超級相機






利用觸角去認識歷史 (運送軍火的路軌遺跡)












Our big days will be September 17th Saturday and 18th Sunday.  All participants will come (five teams each day) and create their art piece through teamwork.  Looking forward to the photo sessions.


Thank you to my friends who provide everything to make this project come true:

Ms. Helen Chen, Ms. Winsome Tam, Ms. Pauline Wong, Ms. Cassandra O’Brien and friends at ASHK

Ms. Lena Lee, Mr. Edmond Chan, Ms. Cecilia Leung, Ivan (my VI friend) and friends at ADAHK

Mr. Gary Wong, Ms. Shane Chan, Ms. Hippo Chan and especially Mr. Fai Chan 輝哥 at PhaseOne

Mr. Sun Lau from Epson HK

Miss Monica Tam, Mr. Stephen Cheung, Mr. Oswald Cheung, Mr. Tim Lau, Mr. Dennis Fung, Ms. Kitty Chou, Mr. Michael Lau, Mr. David Lo, Mr. Dick Lau and Mr. Bowman Poon my photographer friends

Siu Ping Pak, Erica Keung, Edward Lam and Sally Yeung our assistants / volunteers

And Mr. David Young who introduce me to ASHK


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