我心目中的 Leica M9 brochure 不是這樣的!

跟很多超級 Leica 發燒友比較,我的 Leica M 機歷程可說是’小兒科’。如大家想知多一點我對 Leica M 相機系列的認識。可點擊此連結

首先要在此聲明,我只是對 Leica 廠近期在其新產品的宣傳冊子上所採取的方向有意見,而並非針對其產品或任何個人。

一向以來 Leica 相機廠所設計及生產之攝影器材都是機身札實,影像還原度高,立體感強及層次分明。其中以連動對焦系統的 M 機最為突出。經過這幾十年的演化,M 機的獨特操作方法及影像質素(甚或其一些大師級的用家)已演變成攝影文化中之一種。

當第一次看到 Leica M9 的宣傳冊子時還以為是坊間的一些’個別’人士自我製作的一份網上流傳資料。直至今年九月九日在 Leica M9 正式發佈會上拿到實物才知道這份是真品。發佈會上更有機會看到冊子內相片的放大噴墨打印。


一切就從這本 Leica M9 內所刊登的相片開始。


Leica 一向以來所生產的鏡頭都能拍出高密度的色彩,尤其是在影像之暗淡部份,當其它牌子鏡頭拍出來是漆黑一片時,Leica 鏡頭總是能夠提供多一點細節給大家。至於高光位置方面,不用多說高 bit 數的 CCD 質素是有一定的保證,CCD 一向在高光部份都比 CMOS 較能保持細節。很可惜,廠方在宣傳冊子內刊登的相片(也包括廣告及放大之噴墨打印相片)完全不能把這方面的優點展示出來。眼前看到的是大量曝光過度的白位/高光位(下一節會討論故事性及拍攝安排的問題)。暗位部份的處理(拍攝時過度使用返光板至電腦後期處理)都落得不太自然。攝影師或設計師刻意地把影像檔案中的暖調作某程度上的減去令效果更為’時髦’等都會誤導要求高的 Leica 用家得到一個單一訊息;就是新一代 M 數碼相機的表現就算不是低於市場上的同級產品,也已經失去了令這品牌稱帝的素質。

問題又再產生;Leica M9 的表現是否真的如其宣傅相片的平平無奇呢?是否更勝 M8.2 呢?本人有幸能試用 M9 數天,答案很直接,在影像質素上肯定是一部頂級製作。無論在色彩及反差上的表現都承繼了 Leica 一向的傳統。


這是我覺得另一個出現問題的地方。整本宣傳冊子的內容都是以古巴的夏灣拿作埸景。主線是用’類似’紀實攝影的手法去描述一位年輕拳手的生活片段。故事本身非常吸引,正好乘著現在十分流行的 Henri Cartier Bresson ‘抓拍’之風去帶出 Leica M 機勝人之處。

只可惜未知是否因為廣告製作公司 argonauten_G2 為解決 Leica 面對現在的市場壓力從而覺得需要利用新觀點去從新包裝其旗下產品,或是所聘請之攝影師 Maik Scharfscheer 對’抓拍’文化認識不深,甚或是 Leica 管理層的要求而選擇在陽光猛烈的戶外拍攝。我未到過古巴但從紀錄片、旅遊介紹節目至其他攝影大師的作品中都認識到什麼是南美風情。一如大師 David Alan Harvay 所出版的其中兩本影集 Cuba 及 Divided Soul 裹面一樣充滿著色彩,無論戶外或室內,相片除內容精彩外,光學質素都充分表現出 Leica 鏡頭的功力 (David 也正是因此特點才使用 Leica M 系統,由於雜誌社需要數碼化現在 David 也轉用了 DSLR,由 D40 到 現在的 D300…那為什麼不是 Leica M8.2 或 Leica M9 呢?他在 M8 的年代已改用 M 系數碼相機,但因種種原因使他改選 Nikon。想知道真正原因大家可直接電郵他)。

在冊子內大部份相片都是在室外拍攝的(見圖),而其中超過一半數是選擇在中午時間(頭頂光)拍攝的!相信喜愛攝影的朋友都有此經驗,太陽在頭頂時人像面上的陰影部份是最難控制,再加上冊子中的全部角色都是膚色較深的南美洲人,就算是用上閃光燈補光也未必會得到最佳的效果。真是有點照顧得膚色時牙齒又’爆哂光’。加上主角的教練還要穿上白色 T-shirt 戴白色帽,更令拍攝時難於得到完美的效果。就算 Kodak 的 CCD 更精密先進曝光也一定超出它的 dynamic range!大家請留意攝影師還選用大光圈鏡頭來加大難度!

心中有一個疑問,拍攝時間是否真的這麼緊迫要一天內完成呢?就算是,又可否安排早上及下午近黃昏時才到戶外去拍攝?清早或黃昏時的反差及色彩又是否會更戲劇化更適合展示 Leica 獨有的魅力呢。




時間,如果真的只能在中午拍攝我們便要多做一點工夫了。首先要控制光源,在這情況下太陽就是主要光源,但其位置及其效果都不理想,所以我們便要利用一些器材去改變其表現。相信很多攝影愛好者在拍攝人像時都會用到反光板之類的輔助器材,其中也有些是用半透明的散光物料製成的,可讓較’硬’的光線通過物料擴散後變成柔和的散射光。在這個情況下我們也要用上類似的器材,但不是我們平常用的輕便型,而是起碼十二尺乘十二尺甚或大至二十乘二十尺的散光板;行內稱之為 Butterfly。用了 butterfly 光線變得柔和後我們便可應要求而加插其它人工光源去製造合


人物,由於我們不能改變他們的膚色,要在相片中清楚表現身體的紋理除燈光外便要花一點心思。首先假設為了主角的膚色得到’正確’的曝光效果,我們要將測光表所測得的數值調整,這情況下要開大光圈或使用較慢的快門速度,使皮膚色在相片中變得較淺。但這個做法同時也會令其它在相片中出現的東西曝光過度 ‘ overexposed’ ,尤其是淺色的衣服。所以演員要穿上色調較深的服裝來解決這個小問題。大家可否知道在電影中一些病人臥牀的情景裹,如果牀上的是個有色



器材上我認為只要安排得宜簡單而直接的相片更能顯出產品的能力。這點從歷來 M 機的宣傳冊子及其他使用 M 系相機攝影大師如 Henri Cartier Bresson 及 Reza 等之作品中可得到保證。

回說故事內容,整個年輕拳擊手的故事用上了日誌式的拍攝手法,從他早上(假設)離家到海邊熱身到在拳館練習,由室外到室內再到室外,最後到女朋友來探班。我個人覺得可改良的地方是室內拍攝太少,Leica 新設計的超大光圈鏡頭完全沒有機會發揮!

講了一大番個人對這輯宣傳相片的見解,目的是希望在這個科技一日千里的發展速度下,有過百年歷史的攝影術應以文化為本。尤其是發明小型相機的 Leica 廠更加不能隨波俗流,否則多年來濾積的拍攝文化便從此消失!

希望日後有多些 Leica M9 用家多發表高質素的作品跟大家分享。

M9 宣傳冊子下載連結


22 thoughts on “我心目中的 Leica M9 brochure 不是這樣的!

  1. Hello Charles,

    The 'personality' of the camera might be a myth if one only follow others' believe. Only when one discover the character and the potential of the tool can make it 'personal'!

    When you look at David Alan Harvey's photos on his Havana book project 'Divided Soul' (my post on David Alan Harvey 為什麼他可以?), you know his passion in photography, he made (now he use Nikon digital camera) his images sing and dance! And he used M6s! There you find 'personality'!

    Yes, looking at works by some real master in photography (or in any art form) really make us speechless! And you are absolutely right, same as painting, creative writing or photography, you have to use your heart to make it alive!

    As I have mentioned in different occasion, 'camera' no matter expensive or not, if you use it well to express your thought, then it is a 'tool' (工具), if you cannot make the most out of it or even worse you do not use at all, then at most it is a 'toy' (玩具)!

    No matter you are making a business out of photography or not, good images always feed your mind and soul!



  2. Dear Bobby,

    'M' series offer us 'personality', you said. That's the charm one finds it hard to resist.
    However, that's NOT crucial for a great picture.

    Thank you very much for introducing master photograghers to us. It's so enlightening to me to understand photography better, and to widen my horizon in life. I'm not a professional photographer, I'm only a person occasionally to take photos, hopefully nice photos to record the wonderful moments, and as a means to express my feelings at a certain moment of time. When I looked at the photos by Eugene Smith on youtube, I had to keep my breath. The impact of the image keeps striking my heart. Fantastic! That's a wonderful experience.

    Yesterday I bought the Leica M9 Snapshot and Documentary, by Ng Chun Wing. The photos were taken in an old city in Shanxi Province, China with M9. I know that city well. The photos are sxxx !!!!

    So photography is an art, and one can do it with even the most primitive tool if do it with heart and right skill.

    Leica fall in the hand of finance people, and lose direction. It's tragic especially for those who wish to go back to the basic, and the good creative fine world we once in.


  3. Dear Bobby,
    Thanks for your 'kind' advice of not approaching the 'M' culture for a very good reason. I have some follow-up questions:
    1. during the prime time of M series, I think in the 70's and 80's, there are also famous brands like Contax. Contax also developed their own photo systems, but why not as popular as Leica's? They disappeared eventually in the 90's I think. I'm using Contax 2A( I bought it some good 20 years ago because everybody used Leica, and I tried to be different; and Zeiss lens are more famous to me ), my comment is their body design is very very user unfriendly. Focusing is a tough job with the aid of split-image through the yellowish unclear narrow viewfinder! It is not easy for inexperienced photographer to take snapshots. Then, came the Contarex. I had one as well. It is so easy to understand it came the end for Zeiss-Ikon to produce any camera bodies. My photos are not sharp even taken at 1/60 secs with standard lens! Simply because it's too too too heavy for hand-held. My Contarex becomes a very pretty decorative object in my home that my friends like to play with it as a toy, and I still enjoy Contax 2A quite a lot when time is allowed for focusing( or perhaps one day I'm more experienced in snapshots). Nevertheless, it seems that the icon photographers are one-sided Leica user. There must be a very rational choice, what's that? Apart from the design of the body, what are the strengths and weaknesses of Leica and Zeiss lenses with regard to the 'M' and "Contax' series?
    Bobby, I'm so sorry to ask you this question because I know you are interested to study and to share the art of photography but not photo eqipments. I really want to know some professional opinions on this decade and decade long debate on the quality of these 2 brands.

    2. As a photo amateur, I find it difficult to understand how come Leica, the market leader and almost sole player in the up-market of its category, have to face a difficult financial position. What's wrong with them? Is it an issue of its own management or the changes in the market they fail to cope with?

    • Hi Charles,
      Thank you for sending me your thought on the marketing issue of the Leica Camera. I am more than happy to have someone like you who attack the issue from a business point of view in stead of just being a user (photographer).

      1. Contax made good cameras, Robert Capa us Contax, Eugene Smith use Canon rangefinder camera and Minolta SLR... Leica became so famous mostly because of successful product design and the growing market of documentary photography after world war II, photographers looks for reliable camera system and Japanese camera never meet the standard until late 60's. Rollei concentrate on medium format and Contax caught between old and new technology. That is why your Contarex only provide top note technology but never give you the joy of taking photos! Franky speaking, the lens performance between Leica and Contax's Carl Zeiss is clear. Carl Zeiss lens always produce a more natural reproduction to both colour and contrast while Leica lenses give you a strong personality. Just like Hi Fi, some like solid state and some goes for tubes! Carl Zeiss spend most of their energy in developing optical for the movie business (bigger money, larger profit) while Leica divided its corporate structure into three sectors; medical, survey and photographic. Back to the hardware, M8, 8.2 and M9 are not the greatest Leica M camera ever made, especially when you try to compare them with its mechanical sibling but once you understand the technical bottle neck of its system and most important of all, the potential of producing stunning images, then you will start accepting it as another line of photographic tools!

      2. After Leica invented the film format and created so call 'invisible photographers' in the market, photographers enjoy the 'new' way of taking photos without being notice for many years (in compare to heavy set up of large format traditional cameras). There came Contax and many other European brand name copying the same technology. Then came the Japanese! The best Leica made was M3 when Germany was at its peak both in mechanic engineering and craftsmanship, but the market has changed, traditional way of manufacturing and marketing got replaced by the American system, people became part of the production line (machine) as well as a number in the stock market, users became consumers. Bankers and investment managers now only focus on how much money a company made rather than which company produce the best products, so Chairman and CEOs run a company not base on the believe of the industry but on the feedback of the shareholders. When this happened, the branding does not mean anything anymore! If you have time, study Leica's annual reports in the last three years and you will understand the lack of leadership and insight makes the company like a steering a ship without a rudder!


  4. Hello Charles,
    Leica is the inventor of 35mm format camera system, it was once produced camera that give freedom of taking their equipment to difficult areas. Since then, Leica, especially their M series becomes the icon of documentary and travel photography. To understand the M culture is not necessary to own one of those camera although their hardware are fine pieces of equipment. It is only because of the reliability and top class performance that helps great photographers like Henri Cartier Bresson and many others produce great master pieces. It is that way of using the camera, or say the attitude of taking photos with the M camera makes the M culture.
    I must warn you that it is dangerous to try out the M system since it is a no return road once you discover the potential of the camera system.

  5. It is so difficult to establish a brand name, not to mention a culture of the product. It is after years and years of talent and effort. In your blog and the responses, I think the 'M' culture is very unique and appealing to the photo lovers. I'm not a user of Leica, and other high-end brandnames, however, very much interested to know what 'M' culture is, as it is so cherished by the photo circle.

  6. hi,bobby.
    最近忙,迟复为歉。诚如兄所言,频繁换将 确实会给一个企业带来不小的伤害。给我得感觉是这份册子的摄影师在里头参合了不少时尚摄影的“杂质”,由于这个参合初衷是想做成人文纪实摄影样的,但最后却变成了一种不伦不类的样式,就是我们所见到的这本m9册子。

  7. 多谢bobby兄的长篇回复。
    我不是这行内人,可能对很多商业/广告类的东西没有很全面的认识。通过你的链接,我确实曾留意摄影师 Maik Scharfscheer的个人网站,发现这个guy应该还是一个相当成熟的商业摄影师,此份宣传册中的图片内容很明确,是需要用人文的手法来演绎一个故事,达到商业宣传的目的。但是我实在无法去相信,一个成熟的商业摄影师会交出一份由主顾leica公司认可的,拍摄的如此有问题的leica宣传册。我在想其中是不是有摄影师/leica公司想通过这份册子向我们暗示关于m9相机的什么重要的特殊技术性能或者是特立独行“文化”内涵呢,像是在和我们说,leica就是这样子的。。。

    • Hello Haoshe,
      有一位用心細讀小弟隨筆的網上知音實十分感動。當決定開設這個 blog 時,曾反覆向自己題問;我可以在攝影這個題目做些什麼呢?標榜自己成就的已有不少,也非小弟強項。評論分析器材性能,類似網站已數之無數。批評他人作品,更不是推廣攝影文化的方向。所以我唯一可以做的便是把我三十多年的商業攝影經驗所接觸到的見聞,介紹給大家攝影愛好者。我相信如果每一位攝影愛好者都做同一件事,攝影圈便不會有 'Pro 佬','龍佬','靚模拍友'等不必要的歸類!
      回說 Leica M9 這份宣傳冊子,讓我們先了解一下 Leica 近十年的發展。可能是由於'職業病'的關係,我翻閱了廠方數年的股東業績年報。最令人困惑的是這些年來廠方已更換了多位 CEO '行政官',大股東也換了幾個 (其中一個是時裝名牌 Hermes)。不用解釋,更換 CEO 的最大原因是他們未能想出為公司帶來更多收入的對策。試問一間五時三刻都有主要行政人員變動的公司又怎會有一套周詳的宣傳計畫呢?
      再者 M9 相機在設計的時候正直是 S2 計畫生產的同時,所以 M9 的設計隊伍是 out source 外判的。可想而知 M 機文化已剩餘無幾!可幸的是影像質素乃然保持在超高級數!
      我寫'我心目中的 Leica M9 brochure 不是這樣的!'這編文章的原因除希望讀者可從多方面去了解一件事情外,也希望 Leica 廠方能清醒一下,重拾從前的風光。

  8. 楼主是以一位纯玩家的立场来评判m9的这份宣传册子吧。其实leica公司应该更是从商业的角度来推广m9,相信在这样的光线下拍照,并非摄影师一个人的主意,更主要的是leica公司要求展示m9在如此“恶劣”环境下之表现,而其弱光下之优点,以广为所知而已经毋需多议。另外楼主所说的安排拍摄,类似用柔光材料等,这是拍摄人像那套,并非leica机的“术业专攻”。试想,在真的实战抓拍纪实时,有多少摄影师会采用这样“细密”的拍摄方式呢?纪实摄影的很多时候,许多条件都不是摄影师能够左右的或者说是不应该去多加干涉的。

    • Hello Haoshe, 多謝閣下對這個 post 的評語。可能小弟的寫作能力有限,以至令 Haoshe 對全文意思有所誤解!
      首先我寫這個 post 時並不是以一個'玩家'身分去出發(相對很多超級發燒友小弟只能夠算是一個用家),而是以三十多年接觸廣告及企業宣傳的經驗及見聞去品評一份商品宣傳冊子的水平。
      首先關於廠方可能刻意地用 M9 在'惡劣'的環境下完成任務更可突顯它驚人的光差包容能力。小弟就不敢苟同,因為如果 Leica 廠真的有如此智慧,便必定會在內文指出拍攝困難之所在。這樣才可以'大造文章'!Haoshe 閣下可能會認為 Leica 的影像質素眾所周知,但其實很多人都只認識'紅點'是品質的保証,但不知其產品真正如何勵害!再者如果攝影師能多留意如何掌握光線的利用,更壞的情況都可能會變成有利的條件!得出的作品絕不會是大'爆光'的現象,大家看看 David Alan Harvey 或 Eugene Smith 的作品便可領略。
      至於我解說如何去利用商業攝影手法去克服那些如拍攝時間等等的先天缺陷,是基於什麼主觀或客觀條件都不能改動的大前題下但又要做好一份宣傳冊子時,一位有經驗的商業攝影師會如何應付!當然如果換上是 Sebastiao Salgado 或已去世的 Henri Cartier Bresson 去自由演繹拍攝便原全沒有文章內製作安排上的需要。
      因為我寫這個 blog 的其中一個原則是 to show what I believe not what I want you to believe!
      在此再次多謝 Haoshe 對文章的見解。

  9. 有幾可惜呀張大師? Leica 品牌已成為神級產品,衰一两次都無所為,我道聽途說有粉絲已在 blog 上不停地寫着 "我要買M9..我要買M9..我要買M9....."。雖然我們都知道它有多好,但消費市塲是另一層面,只是以我們(大東亞消售圈)而語為何從来都沒有 SAY? 又是否產家只視我們為 "名牌消費者" 呢?

  10. 好的廣告能提高產品品牌;如大家樂。但Leica這本brochure 却相反,真可惜。

  11. Most of the photo amateurs can just feel something wrong with the photos contained in this brochure but can't really tell.
    You've concretely outlined the flaws of this brochure from different aspect, great opinions !!

  12. 近20呢年自從電腦科技極速的成長直接改變攝影,繪畫,錄像比此的介線,這幾個範籌的專業攪得矇胡不清,亦好像可有可無....充滿住矛盾.

    究竟現代新入行的人要當 一位攝影師,又或者是否應該改名稱叫數碼攝影藝術家更為貼切呢?

    • Hello Ringo, 成為一位商業攝影師並不等如可成為藝術家!主要是前者只需要有攝影專業的知識,能夠在指定的時間及資源完成工作便可。但後者就大不同,我一直都相信一個人就算藝術成就更高他自己都只能自稱為藝術工作者。藝術成家與否則應由大眾決定。可能現今商業掛帥,加上競爭激烈,所以現在願意多走幾步的行家已經很少。我想多過幾年只跟 layout 交貨的攝影師會被稱為影像捕捉工作者 Image Capturer ...

  13. hmm, I agreed that those pictures are not "Leica" picture; too many "wash out" area for Leica fans. I really don't get it. Except maybe one pic that used F 2.0 and pretty sharp at four corners. But using these photos to promote Leica?!!!

  14. 這點亦返影出消售高層對產品應知有幾乎淺,更是特顯品牌本身的危機.

    剛看完Maik Scharfscheer攝影網站的作品,oh 真係一位後制專家多於一位攝影師,無擬佢係有一定的技巧(在攝影層面上) ,對於真實影像理念的層面上卻有所不足,不能夠欣應產品理念方面作出應有的表達方向,而太過倚賴電腦後制效果,做成生硬及調子相近的作品。

    • Hello Ringo, 我們眼前見到的起碼有兩種職業攝影師,一種是把攝影技術作為提供服務的工具。客戶有所要求便按所認知的技術完成工作,他們大部份時間都把精神放在技術層面上而忘記了客戶為什麼需要攝影服務。這些想法差不多所有職業攝影師都經驗過。另一種是從客戶方面考慮需求而後決定完成的方法。同時客戶方面也同樣地面對問題,他們可能連自己產品需要什麼相片配合也搞不清楚!為好的產品拍好的宣傳照難度不在於技術,反而是在於操刀者內心是否對產品的背後有沒有充分了解,工作時有沒有一分熱誠,如果只按成本效益辦事,效果一定來得生硬。

  15. 我對Leica文化並未有深入認識,只知道係高消費型攝影器材產物,對一個從未擁有過這類型產物的攝影愛好者來看,對Leica呢個品牌一定係期望很高,拍出來的照片及水準有一定嚴格的要求,不過我知道很多人都是崇尚名牌效應志在帶出街作為身份象徵多於拍照......
    從網上下載了份Leica M9 brochure PDF file 仔細一看,對相片有點失望 !

    第一:好似幫 Adidas免費賣廣告咁,真奇怪??

    第二:D相執得有點過份! 以Leica咁出名既品牌,應該係Sale好既光學品質,單看brochure中的黑人,暗位被推到遣反光的定律,或許作者是正在創作照片風格等原因.....


    總括全輯相有點高不成低下就,不夠嚴緊,太過 free.

    Ringo Ma

    • Hello Ringo, 閣下真是心水清!關於似 Adidas catalog 的睇法也正反映設計公司對產品的市場認知不足。早兩天經過尖沙咀一知名攝影器材店,其當眼處的 Leica 專櫃便用上這輯相片作背景裝飾,在拳手腳上的 Adidas logo 差點比放在前面的 M9 實物大!另外閣下提到的我也完全同意。如果這本是攝影師的個人影集便沒有問題,但當賣的是攝影器材時便要特出硬件的能力而非走向某些極端才對。其實 Leica 的 X-1 及 S2 宣傳冊子也犯上同一問題!


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