忽然之間想起一位不凡的攝影師; David Alan Harvey。相信喜愛街頭拍攝及紀實攝影的朋友一定接觸過他的作品。如果曾經看過他對工作的瘋狂及熱情,大家便明白為何他的作品與別不同!
不過在此我要提及的是由他一手創立的 The Burn Magazine。這本不是真正的雜誌,而是一個栽培有心發展攝影興趣的網站。他不但花精神及時間去推動攝影文化,更四出找贊助商去支持一些有潛質的年輕攝影師。The Burn Magazine 之所以成立是由 David 的個人 blog 的結束開始,詳情大家可在他的網頁找到。回說 The Burn Magazine,過往一年他啟蒙了很多熱愛攝影的年輕,更成立了一個獎項 the Emerging Photographer Fund 給予有能力的新秀!二零一零年他又再為這獎項籌得 US$15,000 作為贊助獎金。
香港號稱世界商業中心,業界與業餘資深人士也不乏。聯會也多不勝數,但見到的只是一些應用攝影課程而未見如 David 般的熱諴。
因為此引發這一個問題; 為什麼他可以?
hi Bobby, I agreed how divorce rate and photographer's link together is not clear. But Reza starts shooting for NG since 89-90', while David start at about 64'. David's 40 stories for NG meant he was aboard almost all the time. While Reza spent his whole 70-80's shooting for AFP. That means he can stay with his family most of the time(or almost). This difference has to be addressed before comparing the two. And if my memory didn't fail me about the 75% divorce rate which I read from NG. I still think this is high by any comparison. I just wanted to feed back on "How he did it?", that I think his (super level) passion made him "did it".
Hi Kevin, you may be right since I do not know photographer friends who have been away from home for such a long time. But I still think it might be that 75% are already top of the top!!! Not sure! But for sure David is an unusual guy!
Bobby, I think I read somewhere about David Alan Harvey's passion in work; he sacrifice a lot of his personal life. His girl friend once complained to him: since nothing is more than your stories, tell me which one you like most so that I can bring that one to your dead bed when that day come. About 75% of NG's photographer divorced once or more.
Hi Kevin, thanks for the comments. Yes, Photography is about passion. It is like a love affairs that one easily get addicted to it. A photographer will sleep with photography, eat with photography and his or her spouse may not even have the qualification to be his or her assistant not to say partner. As we all know National Geographic Magazine used to have, please read my words 'used to', the best location photographers in this world, each one of them has their special chemical in photography and that is why they spend more time with their Nikons, Canons and Leicas than their husband / wife. However there are cases of good family balance among these photographers, say Reza as an example, he has a good family and living with his wife and daughter in Paris and he is still dedicating his time and energy in taking good photographs as well as training reporters in Afghanistan! Before we look at the rate on divorce in Nat Geo's photographers, we have to see the divorce rate in other profession or we are not comparing. Not too fare to our fellow photographers!!!
I like those pictures by agency NOOR.
The most inspiring point he made: a good picture is one that capturing an universally reconized slice of life image. That is a great reminder to me. Thanks Bobby.
Hi Kevin, thank you for visiting my blog. This is the whole purpose for me to set up this blog, to remind and refresh photographers or people who love photography that the final images are more important than the media that took them! Please send me suggest on topics that you would like to explore in the area.
In the video I noticed this photographer
"David Alan Harvey" use film camera all the
time. Do you know he still use film camera
Thank you Fred,
David Alan Harvey is one of the fast learning photographer who transform his photographic technique from analog to digital in a relative short period of time (fast from the angle of a professional who has been using the unique M system for most of his work). When he first use a digital camera to cover his work in National Geographic, it was a disaster, he us a DSLR (Nikon) and he hired assistant to work with a flash light (no handy camera anymore at that time). He lost (from my point of view) all his composition due to sudden change to DSLR and can not manage the linear result of a digital image, images became flat and lack of mood and style!
However, in a very shot time, he harness the beast and now I think most of the time he shoot digital with his Nikon. He did own or used to own a M8!!!
David is a very good example for people who would like to shift gear from analog to digital, there are myths and facts in the system but once you know all digital or modern stuffs are generated from the analog world (most of the time they cannot make things out of nothing), and you are already in the OLD world, then you know you are ready to make that tiny move using the new technology!
Thanks again and hopefully this information helps!