一個大家都應該睇的 slide show, by James Nachtwey

雖然世界看似先進,其實在地球很多被人忽略的角落一些人類以為經已消滅的疾病乃不斷的擴散及奪取千萬人的性命。一般結核病 tuberculosis 雖然能以較經濟而有效的方法去根治,但變了種的 MDR ‘多重耐藥結核菌’ 及 XDR ‘廣泛抗藥性結核菌’ 就不是容易對付。

James Nachtwey,人稱 ‘anti-war’ 的 war photographer。我本準備短期內介紹這位特別的攝影師,但這幾年 James 走遍世界各地拍攝結核病患者,為 XDRTB.ORG 完成這個 slide show presentation (也是由他親自旁白)。希望世人明白此疾病的嚴重性及希望各方人士能集中資原幫助有需要的病患者。

所以看到這個 presentation 後便先 post 上來,日後再介紹 James 的工作及其令人尊敬的品格!

看完這個 slide show 後,熱愛攝影的大家有沒有多了一份‘使命感’呢? 其實除了作為興趣及商業用途外,攝影術在社會上可以是一件十分有影響力的工具。



5 thoughts on “一個大家都應該睇的 slide show, by James Nachtwey

  1. 好震撼的一輯相. 和數月前在張瑪莉小姐的"心路"相展中看到的落後國家一面同樣震撼

  2. He is one of those who is trying to refect our society's fault using his photo to tell the story of people who are in distress. very powerful photo and story. I saw a film about him before. certainly he is one of those about sending a message with powerful photo. funny thing is that he use EOS film camera. I would expect him to be on the Leica M film camera.

    • Hi David, you can find the answer of what camera James use here; http://www.apple.com/ca/pro/profiles/nachtwey/index2.html


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