Bobby Lee 講佈局:這兩個圖像有什麼分別?這分別又有什麼意思? What is the difference between the two images? And what do the different means to the image!


This gallery contains 10 photos.

熟識我拍攝手法的朋友都知道我注重作品中的佈局多於構圖,原因之一是相片內各元素 (無論看似重要與否) 在佈局中會比單靠平衡的構圖更有互動性。與此同時大家可能也知道在安排佈局時我會較為調皮,喜歡在不經意的地方加入一些佈局的元素。其中一種手法是在影像中 (通常是左或右方) 包含一些例如門框或類似的線條 (例子如下圖)。究竟這些看似多餘的部分有什麼作用呢? For those who familiar with my works may have already noticed I like playing little tricks on the edge of the images. That is, I sometimes leave a tiny space that seems to be … Continue reading